With summer on its way, it’s difficult to stay grounded and continue your hot yoga practice. We know that holding yourself accountable is hard, but it isn’t impossible. If you’re new to yoga or have found yourself in a funk, we have the perfect guide to incorporate your yoga practice into your daily routine. Check out our quick guide to maintaining your yoga practice and book a class today at Soul Sweat Hot Yoga:

Put Your Hot Yoga Classes On Your Calendar
The first step to holding yourself accountable is to make a schedule. We know this may seem like an easy first step and that’s because it is! Check out our class times and incorporate them into your schedule. Whether you enjoy bright early mornings or a pick-me-up in the afternoons, we have the perfect class for you. Block off a time during the week that you reserve exclusively for yoga and you will soon find yourself in a routine that you know you can follow.

Set Reasonable Monthly Goals
It is easy to get off track when you are unsure of where you are going. Setting a reasonable goal each month will help you maintain and even grow your yoga practice. If you are new to yoga, you can start off with a simple goal of a few classes. Then, when you feel comfortable, you can reach towards your bigger goal and increase your classes each week.

Find A Yogi Friend and Hold Each Other Accountable
Your yogi tribe is just as important as your mat practice. Our community strives to prioritize wellness and support. Lean on your yogi friend and motivate each other to stay strong. Your yogi friend and the Soul Sweat community will always be there to support you and celebrate your goals!
Whether your summer is slowing down or speeding up, find a time to relax and unwind. Check out our classes and incorporate Soul Sweat into your schedule today!